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I downloaded the education copy for my MSc student to use in their psychology dissertation. Thanks for making it available. It looks great for use with children! Once we've used it I'll make sure to report back and let you know how it all went! Thanks again!

- Rohan Kapitany
- Assisstant Professor in Psychology, Durham University (UK)

That sounds amazing! Thank you so much for letting me know, and I'm looking forward to hearing how it went.  If you or your student have any questions, please feel free to contact me at AlmostBedtimeTheater (at)

As a side note, I've discovered the Helping mechanism (pg 8) can be cumbersome in play and recommend this instead: "Helping: If you want to help someone who is going to be rolling for an action, describe how you are providing assistance. They roll an extra d6, but if things go wrong, or there are costs or complications, those affect you as well. The number of players who can help is only limited by what makes sense narratively."

If you are interested, there is also an actual play available from a session I ran for the American Library Association's Games and Gaming Round Table: Twitch video link


Amazing, I'll check it out, and I'll make sure my student watches too!

He did a lot of background research, and came to the conclusion your game was an excellent fit for kids. I'm a dev psychologist, and I have to say I agree! I really look forward to seeing how it all plays out. 


Thank you so much for the librarian copies! It can be hard to find games that are appropriate for kids, encourage writing, and are affordable on a public school assistant librarian salary. Your donation is a huge help, so thank you. I know you’ll make many of my kids happy.

You’re welcome!


I’ve also downloaded this one.  I’m going to look at your other games, as well, because I’m feeling good at the chance of adding more kid friendly things to my collection. I’m trying to essentially make a journaling library so then can pick what they want to write about.  Thank you for having education copies!

(3 edits) (+4)

Additional keys for claiming The Fae Team at Role are now available.  Thank you for your patience!


I got the code but now every time I try to use it at Role it says "this code is invalid". 

But more importantly, THANK YOU for your generosity and being a part of the Trans Rights in Florida bundle!

(3 edits)

Oh no! Can you please reach out to me at almostbedtimetheater (at) with the code you received?


Great game!  I tried it out with my kid, and it was a lot of fun running a woodland animal heist - lots of mischief, and I love the A Team references!

Check out my full review here, and I hope you try it out too!


Thank you so much for the review!